Tuesday 12 August 2014

Target website hacking

>firstly you can use the scanner like
acuenetix,netsparker,nikto,nessus etc
and you can check the known vuln like the
sqli,rfi,lfi,web dav etc
>if this attack can not success then you can
use this awesome trick
-firstly by using http://www.yougetsignal
.com/ that website you can find the all
website which is running on that server
- after that you can by using bing search
-and check target website is on shared ip
-on the bing search ip:server ip adress
-ip:server ip adress .php?id= (for checking
sqli vuln website on that server)
-ip:server ip adress admin (for checking the
admin of that website in that server and use
sql injection)
-ip:server ip adress upload (for upload the
shell on website)
>if you get any vuln(like -sqli,rfi,web dav etc)
you can upload your shell on that website by
using that shell you can get access on the
target website.once you get access on target
website you can deface the whole website
there are several dork for finding vuln
you can create your own dork and use that
for hacking all the website on that server

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