Monday 18 August 2014

Man in the middle attack-

The man-in-the-middle attack (MITM, MIM,
MITMA) in cryptography and computer security is a form of active eavesdropping in
which the attacker makes independent connections with the victims and relays messages between them, making them
believe that they are talking directly to each other over a private connection, when in fact
the entire conversation is controlled by the means attacker is in between both
victim and watch thier messages.
required tool-
1. Arpspoof
2. Driftnet
3. Urlsnarf
Arpspoof:- We use it twice
1. To lie to the Gateway about the MAC
address of victim
MAC Address of Victim is that of Back-
2. To lie to the Victim about the MAC address of Gateway
MAC Address of Gateway is that of Back-Track’s
Driftnet:- Displays the Graphics, that Victim browses over Internet

Urlsnarf:- Gives the details of URLs, that Victim visits
Steps for that attack-
1) To accomplish this we will modify the IP
Tables and turn Linux into a router.
cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
2) The default value is “0”. It should be set
to 1. To change the value to 1 enter the
following command:
sudo echo 1 >> /proc/sys/net/ipv4/
3) Now go ahead and check out the
ip_forward file and make sure the value
equals “1”
cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
4) An arp poisoning attack will redirect data
from the victim’s PC going to their gateway
to be redirected to our box (note you have to
be on the same physical device, such as a
switch or access point to accomplish this).
sudo arpspoof –i eth1 –t
5) We will now use another arp poisoning
attack to redirect data from the gateway
destined for the victim’s PC back to our
Linux box.
sudo arpspoof –i eth1 –t
6) Now we launch driftnet. It is listening.
sudo driftnet –i eth1
7) As the victim’s PC browsing the Internet,
images that show up in his web browser are
also displayed on the attacker’s Linux server.
8) The attacker PC launches urlsnarf. URLs
that are accessed on the victim’s PC are
displayed on the attacker’s Linux server

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