Saturday 19 July 2014

Facebook Login Levels

Facebook uses a 4 Level Facebook login
procedure which makes it difficult to hack
Facebook using all other techniques except
Social Engineering and Cross Site Scripting.
First Level :- Security SSL or 256 bit secured
Second Level : - Facebook login script checks
for cookie in the system of user. If available
then it validates the cookie and update the
cookie path and timestamps and its expiry
Third Level -: Facebook provides a
redirection to the entered User information
to their profile area.
Fourth Level : - Facebook doesn’t use
conventional php/aspx/asp coding rather it
uses Client side Ajax Scripting with oAuth 2.0
protocol. So it is almost impossible to hack
Facebook using input validation attack!!!
It is not an easy task to hack Facebook by
breaking its security! But still some hackers
manage to get access to other’s Facebook

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