Sunday 13 July 2014

Convert Your laptop Webcam into Security

Yes now you can convert your wecam into
security cam , with the help of # BootCam
software its a freeware software .
now whenevr you start your laptop, it
capture a picture from your webcam and
save it into "Souce" directory with the
current date and time,
you can check who were accessing your
laptop behind you!!
pls follow these step to install BootCam--
Step-1 Download BootCam(Not available on
net) totally devloped by Hacking iN team if
you need it then contact us.
Step-2 after downloading Paste "BootCam"
Folder into C:/ drive(Not mandtory , you can
paste,where you want)
Note that- it does not hav any installation
wizard(wizard is under devloping mode)
Step-3 Copy load.exe file and paste shortcut
into startup folder of windows(Start->all
Now Goto to the BootCam Directory Look for
"Source" Directory , it cantain all of pic
which were capture at the time of startup.

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