Tuesday 12 August 2014

Voice-over-Internet Protocol (VoIP)

Voice over IP
Voice-over-Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a
methodology and group of technologies for
the delivery of voice communications and
multimedia sessions over Internet Protocol
(IP) networks, such as the Internet. Other
terms commonly associated with VoIP are IP
telephony, Internet telephony, voice over
broadband (VoBB), broadband telephony, IP
communications, and broadband phone
The term Internet telephony specifically
refers to the provisioning of communications
services (voice, fax, SMS, voice-messaging)
over the public Internet, rather than via the
public switched telephone network (PSTN).
The steps and principles involved in
originating VoIP telephone calls are similar
to traditional digital telephony and involve
signaling, channel setup, digitization of the
analog voice signals, and encoding. Instead
of being transmitted over a circuit-switched
network, however, the digital information is
packetized, and transmission occurs as IP
packets over a packet-switched network.
Such transmission entails careful
considerations about resource management
different from time-division multiplexing
(TDM) networks.ternet Protocol (VoIP) is a
methodology and group of technologies for
the delivery of voice communications and
multimedia sessions over Internet Protocol
(IP) networks, such as the Internet. Other
terms commonly associated with VoIP are IP
telephony, Internet telephony, voice over
broadband (VoBB), broadband telephony, IP
communications, and broadband phone
The term Internet telephony specifically
refers to the provisioning of communications
services (voice, fax, SMS, voice-messaging)
over the public Internet, rather than via the
public switched telephone network (PSTN).
The steps and principles involved in
originating VoIP telephone calls are similar
to traditional digital telephony and involve
signaling, channel setup, digitization of the
analog voice signals, and encoding. Instead
of being transmitted over a circuit-switched
network, however, the digital information is
packetized, and transmission occurs as IP
packets over a packet-switched network.
Such transmission entails careful
considerations about resource management
different from time-division multiplexing
(TDM) networks.

Target website hacking

>firstly you can use the scanner like
acuenetix,netsparker,nikto,nessus etc
and you can check the known vuln like the
sqli,rfi,lfi,web dav etc
>if this attack can not success then you can
use this awesome trick
-firstly by using http://www.yougetsignal
.com/ that website you can find the all
website which is running on that server
- after that you can by using bing search
-and check target website is on shared ip
-on the bing search ip:server ip adress
-ip:server ip adress .php?id= (for checking
sqli vuln website on that server)
-ip:server ip adress admin (for checking the
admin of that website in that server and use
sql injection)
-ip:server ip adress upload (for upload the
shell on website)
>if you get any vuln(like -sqli,rfi,web dav etc)
you can upload your shell on that website by
using that shell you can get access on the
target website.once you get access on target
website you can deface the whole website
there are several dork for finding vuln
you can create your own dork and use that
for hacking all the website on that server

Prominent world founders

*Founder of facebook-Mark zuckerburg
*Founder of Apple Computers – Steve Jobs
*Founder of Artificial Intelligence – John
*Founder of Bluetooth – Ericsson
*Father of Computer – Charles Babbage
*Father of ‘C’ Language – Dennis Ritchie
*Founder of Email – Shiva Ayyadurai
*Founder of Google – Larry Page and Sergey
*Founder of Internet – Vint Cerf
*Father of ‘Java’- James Gosling
*Father of JQuery – John Resig
*Founder of Keyboard – Christoper Latham
*Founder of Linux – Linus Torvalds
*Founder of Microsoft – Bill Gates and Paul
*Founder of Mobile Phones – Martin Cooper
*Founder of Mouse – Douglas Engelbart
*Founders of Oracle – Ed Oates, Larry
Ellison, Bob Miner
*Founder of Php – Rasmus Lerdorf
*Founder of USB – Ajay V.Bhatt
*Founder of WWW – Tim Berners-Lee
*Founder of Yahoo – Jurry Yang and David

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Eight unknown facts of android -

• It wasn't Google's idea: Android was the
brainchild of
Andy Rubin, who founded Android Inc. in
October 2003
with the aim of creating a new mobile
platform. Google
later bought Android Inc. and hired Rubin
and others in
August 2005.
• It almost didn't work out: Android almost
ran out of cash after its founding, only to be
according to the Businessweek, by Steve
• The Nexus line was a hot rumour years
before the
Nexus One: People started predicting about
"gPhone" as early as 2007 though Nexus
came out in
• Microsoft thought it would be a non-event:
Microsoft's Scott Horn, then head of the
Mobile marketing team, had told Engadget
Android's release, "I don't understand the
impact they
are going to have."
• Resolution scaling was introduced in
Version 1.6: The
ability to automatically scale images based
on display
size appeared in Donut, or Android 1.6,
paving the way
for the huge range of device form factors on
the Android
market today.
• There's an Android phone in space: A
British firm
launched a Nexus phone on Space, to control
a satellite
as part of an experiment and see how well
grade electronics stand up to the rigors of
• Every app you run on your Android phone
gets its own
virtual machine: Each active app on an
Android device
runs in its own Dalvik VM, which keeps it
safe and
separate from core functions. This improves
battery life
and boosts performance of the phone.
• The first official version code name was
dessert: Google's Dan Morrill confirmed in
January that
the very first alpha version of Android
released to
internal developers was R2-D2.

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Microsoft Word shortcut keys

Ctrl + b : you can order your
favorite file by this command
ctrl + f : you can search for
some word
ctrl + s : save the work you've
ctrl + shift or right index
makes the writing go to the
alt + f4 : is useful to close the
alt + esc you can move from
window to window
alt + tab : is very useful if
there are many windows open
you can choose the required
alt + shift : switch between
f2 : very useful and fast to
change the name of a specific
Ctrl + C : Copy
Ctrl + X : Cut
Ctrl + V : Paste
Ctrl + Z : Undo
Ctrl + A : Select all
Ctrl + ESC : task list (Start)
Ctrl + Enter : Starting a new
Ctrl + END : Move to end of
Ctrl + F5 : Thumbnail file
Ctrl + F6 : move between files
Ctrl + F2 : preview the page
before printing
= + Ctrl : zoom in and out,
one degree
F4 : repeat the last process
Alt + Enter : repeat the last
Ctrl + Y : repeat the last
Shift + F10 : Bullets and
F12 : Save As
Shift + F12 : Save the file
Ctrl + Home : the first
Ctrl + End : Latest document
Shift + F1 : information about
type of coordination
Ctrl + U : line under the text
Ctrl + F4 : Exit from the file
Ctrl + N : New File
Ctrl + H : Replacement
Ctrl + I : slash
Ctrl + K : Document Format
Ctrl + P : Print
Ctrl + O : open area
Alt + S : List Format
Alt + J : Help Menu
[+ Alt : List Table
] + Alt : Tools Menu
Alt + U : View menu
Alt + P : Edit Menu
Alt + L : file list
"+ Alt : window List
Alt + Q : modified procedure
Ctrl + E : Center text
Ctrl + F : Search
Ctrl + B : black line
Ctrl + Shift + P : font size
Ctrl + Shift + S : Style
Ctrl + D : line
Ctrl + Shift + K : character
conversion - Capital
Shift + F3 : character
conversion - Capital
Ctrl + Shift + L : point at the
beginning of the text
Ctrl + Alt + E : footnotes
numbered Romanian
Ctrl + Alt + R : Mark ®
Ctrl + Alt + T : Mark ™
Ctrl + Alt + C : Mark ©
Ctrl + Alt + I : preview the
page before printing
Shift + F7 : Thesaurus
Ctrl + Alt + F1 : System
Ctrl + Alt + F2 : Open
Ctrl + J : resolving the text
from both sides
Ctrl + L : the beginning of the
text from the left side
Ctrl + Q : the beginning of the
text from the right side
Ctrl + E : Center text
Ctrl + M : changing the size of
the top paragraph
Shift + F5 : To return to the
position that you finished it
when you close the file
= + Ctrl + Alt : Customize
F3 : AutoText entry
F9 : Check fields
F10 : Move the framework to
open windows
F1 : Help
F5 : Jump to
F7 : Spelling
F8 : Select Zone

Why Programming For Hacking ???

Learn a programming language. You
shouldn't limit yourself to any particular
language, but there are a few guidelines.
C is the language the Unix was built with. It
(along with assembly language) teaches
something that's very important in hacking:
how memory works.
Python or Ruby are high-level, powerful
scripting languages that can be used to
automate various tasks.
Perl is a reasonable choice in this field as
well, while PHP is worth learning because the
majority of web applications use PHP.
Bash scripting is a must. That is how to
easily manipulate Unix/Linux systems—
writing scripts, which will do most of the job
for you.
Assembly language is a must-know. It is the
basic language that your processor
understands, and there are multiple
variations of it. At the end of the day, all
programs are eventually interpreted as
assembly. You can't truly exploit a program
if you don't know assembly.