Friday 9 October 2015

Hide Folders on Android devices; learn how to hide files/folders on your Android smartphones and tablets

Easy way to secure your Files and Folders
in Android, here is how to hide files and
folders on Android devices
Android smartphone has become the
greatest boon in today’s life and most of
the people would love to own an Android
device, this is true for youngsters as well
as oldies. Android is an operating system
which provides many features to the user
and hence it has gained such a vast
publicity in a small time span.
Now, users also happen to save some
important documents or personal videos
and images or information in the Android
for their convenience. It could happen that
the smartphone may be accessible to
friends or some family members and could
be a case wherein they might land up
getting access to this extremely
confidential information which user does
not want to share with anyone. If you are
one of those who want to hide your files or
folders from such unwanted access please
read the below instructions and safely hide
your files and folders from anyone who
gets access to your phone:
Check if your Android device has
the file explorer; mostly it would be
available; however if your device
does not have one then download
the very versatile ES File Explorer
File Manager from https://
Open the file explorer also known
as file browser and search for your
file which has your confidential
data that you do not wish to share
with anyone
You need to select the file or the
folder and click on the “rename”
Now put “a dot” in the prefix that
means put this sign prior to the
name of the file or folder (for e.g.
If you want to save some folder
which has images then you need to
put dot in front of the name of the
folder as given here – .images )
Basically Android is Linux based
and when we use a (.) it thinks that
this is a system file and by default
it will hide this file or the respective
folder……easy isn’t it?
If you want to open this hidden file
it is simple, just go to your file
explorer and select this option
“Show hidden file or folder”
Suppose someday you feel that
now that folder need not be in a
hidden state all you need to do is
rename the file by removing the (.)
for e.g. if your file was “.image”
now make it “image”….as simple as
Just by following these simple steps user
can easily hide their files or folders from
unwanted intrusions. So the data is now
totally secured in the Android system and
it cannot be seen either in gallery or in
explorer. Not only that if user wants to get
their file back from hidden mode even that
is possible and user can hide and unhide
their important data umpteen times.
Besides this user can also use the
Applock to protect their applications from
intruders. As the name suggests it
provides privacy to the users. Important
videos or pictures, chats and even sms,
contacts and other apps like Facebook,
Gmail……many more can be password
protected from other users who might use
their Android device, for e.g. friends or kids
borrowing the Android device to play
User needs to open the Applock, go to the
Left side menu and in the settings they
can lock the required applications from
intruders. To unlock these applications
either user can enter “ #password ” in their
dial pad, and tap call button to open
AppLock. Or the Applock can be unlocked
by putting “” and
opening the website in the browser. User
can also protect other users from
unlocking their Applock by using the
advanced settings option given in the main
menu of Applock. The Applock is available
in 3 methods: 1) Paid 2) Free and with ads
3) Free version.
Users can avail Applock through this
site: This Applock can be downloaded from
To ensure that all the files and contents of
the Android device is always protected
users need to follow the above given
steps. So wishing all users and era of

The Different Types of Computer Viruses

A computer virus is a program designed to harm or cause harm on an infected computer. Its
spreads through e-mail attachments, portable devices, websites containing malicious scripts
and file downloads. A computer virus attaches itself to the host files and always activate whenever you open the infected files. The virus
can replicate itself and then infect the other files on your computer causing more damage. Below
is a list of different types of computer viruses and what they do
These viruses infect the files created using some applications or programs that contain macros
such as doc, pps, xls and mdb. They
automatically infect the files with macros and also templates and documents that are
contained in the file. They hide in documents shared through e-mail and networks.
Macro viruses include:
They usually fix themselves inside the computer memory. They get activated every time the OS
runs and end up infecting other opened files.
They hide in RAM.
Memory Resident Viruses Include:
These types of viruses delete any information in a file they infect, leaving them partially or
completely useless once they are infected. Once in the computer, they replaces all the file content but the file size doesn’t change.
Overwrite Viruses Include:
These viruses mainly replicate or take action once they are executed. When a certain condition is met, the viruses will act by infecting
the files in the directory or the folder specified in the AUTOEXEC.BAT. The viruses are generally found in the hard disk’s root directory, but they
keep on changing location.
Direct Action Viruses Include:
Vienna virus
Also known as cluster virus or file system virus.
They infect the computer’s directory by changing the path indicating file location. They are usually
located in the disk but affect the entire directory.
Directory Viruses Include:
dir-2 virus
Most web pages include some complex codes in order to create an interactive and interesting
content. Such a code is often exploited to cause certain undesirable actions. They mostly
originate from the infected web pages or browsers.
Web Scripting Viruses Include:
JS.Fortnight – a virus that spreads via malicious
These type of viruses spread in many different ways. Their actions vary depending on the OS
installed and presence of certain files. They tend to hide in the computer’s memory but do not
infect the hard disk.
Multipartite Viruses Include:
These lardy viruses attack the file allocation table (FAT) which is the disc part used to store
every information about the available space,location of files, unusable space etc.
FAT Viruses Include:
the link virus
These types of viruses infect files just like the direct action and the resident types. Once inside
the computer, they ‘accompany’ other existing files.
Companion Viruses Include:
stator and terrax.1069
They encode or encrypt themselves in a different way every time they infect your computer. They use different encryption and algorithms. This makes it difficult for the antivirus software to locate them using signature or string searches
(since they are very different in each
Polymorphic Viruses Include:
Satan bug
This program is very similar to a virus and has the ability to self-replicate leading to negative
effects on your computer.
Worm Viruses Include:
trile. C
Trojans can illegally trace important login details of users online. For example E-Banking is very common among users, therefore, vulnerability of tracing your login details whenever your PC is working without any strong powerful antivirus
installed.This is a virus spread via an email. Such a virus will hide in an email and when the recipient
opens the mail.This virus can spread in many different ways including a voluntary download. If infects certain
browser functions especially in form of re-directing the user automatically to certain sites.A good example is
Browser Hijackers Include:
the cool web search
They include the boot sector plus master boot record types. All the viral codes can be separate
location; however they infect the hard disks or the floppy.
Boot Infectors Include:
the brain virus -it is the very first wild virus to be created.From what we have seen, the many types of
computer viruses and their effects are very harmful and can completely damage your system. Always make sure your system is up to
date. Also install antivirus software. The antivirus program protects your computer and the personal information in it

World’s 10 most famous hacking groups who have had most success in recent times

Like the animals, hackers also hack their prey in groups. Sometimes these groups become famous for perceived good deeds like hacking ISIS websites done by Anonymous but most of the time these
hacker groups operate against the law.Some of the hacker groups have sincedisbanded after being in public eye. The prime example of infamous hackers group is Lizard Squad. They DDoSed the PlayStation and Xbox servers right during the time of Christmas weekend earning
them many villains.
Today we are listing top such 10 most notorious hackers of all time.
1. Lizard Squad
The DDoS attack on Facebook that lowered the popular social media network as well the cyber attacks on Malaysia Airlines website that directed visitors to a page
which read “404 – plane not found,” were carried out by the Lizard Squad. While Facebook refused to accept being hacked,Malaysia Airlines stated that their domain had been temporarily redirected elsewhere
and that they had not been hacked. Lizard Squad has also hacked Microsoft and Sony.
The intentions of Lizard Squad look dark and gloomy due to the diverse history of their work. They are not totally computer hackers as most of the hack they do is comedy. The group is responsible for a
high-profile hack of Microsoft Xbox Live and Sony’s Playstation Network. In August 2014, the group posted the ISIS flag on Sony’s servers and made other indirect references to the “cyber caliphate.” The group was arrested by the authorities in
the U.S. and England after the Xbox and Playstation hacks.
2. Syrian Electronic Army
The Syrian Electronic Army claims to
target political opposition groups and claims to support the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. It calls itself “a group of enthusiastic Syrian youths who could not stay passive towards the massive distortion of facts about the recent uprising in Syria”.It becomes involved in the use of malware,phishing, defacement, spamming, and denial of service (DDoS) attacks with often
posting the Syrian flag on a victim’s
website. Some have even assumed as a fact that the group is connected with the Syrian state. The group have targeted the Facebook pages and Twitter accounts of President Barack Obama and French President Nicolas Sarkozy, as well as technology companies and news
organizations. Their tone is “serious and political to ironic and humorous.”
3. LulzSec
After the HBGary Federal hack of 2011,
LulzSec – Lulz Security abbreviated –
formed as an Anonymous spinoff. It’s
slogan was “Laughing at your security
since 2011.” The group announced itself
with a hack against, then Sony
Pictures in 2011. The group took the CIA
website offline.
LulzSec had become well known for
ridiculing its victims after an attack, which
made the analysts compare them to the
hacks to internet pranks. In June 2011, a
‘50 days of Lulz’ statement announced that
the group had fallen out. However, on July
18, the News Corporation was hacked by
the group, who had posted false news
about the death of Rupert Murdoch.
In 2012, the LulzSec members were
arrested by the FBI after the group’s
leader, Sabu, turned them in. Prosecutor
Sandip Patel said the group thought of
themselves as “latter-day pirates.”
4. Anonymous
“We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We
do not forgive. We do not forgive…. Expect
Known most for its hacking and Guy
Fawkes masks, Anonymous is a
decentralized open online creation group.
Reports conceive that Anonymous is made
up of thousands of “hacktivists.” The group
has compromised religious, corporate and
government websites.
The group has declared war on Scientology
and hacked the Pentagon. In 2012’s
Operation Payback, they also attacked
MasterCard, Visa and PayPal for refusing
to process payments to WikiLeaks, which
in turn led WikiLeaks to choose the
cryptocurrency Bitcoin. Anonymous
supported Occupy Wall Street and hacked
the New York Stock Exchange website in
For being involved in Anonymous,
individuals have been arrested in the U.S.,
UK, Netherlands, Australia, Spain, and
5. The Level Seven Crew
Rumored to be encouraged by the seventh
level of hell from Dante’s Inferno, ‘the
violent’ level, this hacking group hacked 60
high profile computer systems (NASA, The
First American National Bank, Sheraton
Hotels) in 1999. They also hacked into the
US Embassy in China’s website. However,
this group broke up and stopped
functioning in 2000.
6. Network Crack Program Hacker
(NCPH) Group
It was alleged that the NCPH Group was
formed in China in 1994, whose leader Tan
Dailin was apparently working for the
Chinese army. It is believed that the
People’s Liberation Army was funded by
the NCPH. The group appears to be based
out of Zigon in Sichuan Province.
7. Chaos Computer Club (CCC)
The mission of the Chaos Computer Club is
to uncover the security flaws, which
basically does not only depend upon illegal
activities. It was founded in Berlin during
the early 1980s and is one of the largest
European hacking groups. The group made
its point after they used the Bildschirmtext
page to steal 134,000 Deutsch Marks from
a Hamburg bank, only to send the money
back after having completed its mission
the next day, which was to expose a
security flaw.
Early CCC member Andy Müller-Maguhn in
an interview with OWNI stated: “we needed
a lot of legal experts to advise us what we
could or could not hack, and to help us
distinguish between legal activities and
grey areas of legality”. The group’s kindly
approach has allowed the CCC to become
“an accepted and recognized entity
because it has worked to educate the
public about technology since the 1980s,”
Müller-Maguhn added. The group’s most
recent focus has been on the mass
surveillance complex, in order to fit in a
German hacker ring. CCC Member Falk
Garbsch stated:
There have to be consequences.
The work of intelligence services
has to be reviewed – as does
their right to exist. If necessary,
their aims and methods will have
to be redefined. …We have to
think about how these
[shared]data are processed and
where they can be allowed to
resurface. And this is not just
the challenge for 2015, but for
the next 10 years.
The group has strongly objected French
nuclear tests, made full use of COMP128
encryption algorithm of a GSM customer
card, stole money on live TV via
Microsoft’s ActiveX; and examined the
German federal government’s own
malware. The group’s press release on the
topic reads:
“The malware can not only
siphon away intimate data but
also offers a remote control or
backdoor functionality for
uploading and executing arbitrary
other programs. Significant
design and implementation flaws
make all of the functionality
available to anyone on the
The CCC may have characteristics of a
Marxist, after being caught selling source
code from U.S. corporations and
governments to the Soviet Union’s secret
police KGB.
8. globalHell
globalHell was founded by street-gang
member Patrick Gregory. Data on 115
websites were reportedly destroyed by the
group charging millions in damages. In
order to get away from street gang life,
Gregory had turned to computer. His crew
of hackers behaved basically the same as
a street gang. “global hell will not die” was
reportedly written by the group on the
United States Army’s website. Gregory
confessed in court to causing $2.5 million
in hacking damages.
9. Iran’s Tarh Andishan
Looks like the Tarh Andishan wants to
control the world’s web-based systems.
Mostly based in Tehran, Iran, the group is
approximated to have 20 members. A
talented hacker group, Tarh Andishan looks
like grew out of a Stuxnet worm virus,
which Iran claimed the US and Israel had
The Iranian government doubled-down on
its cyber warfare. The group uses self-
propagating software, backdoors, SQL
injection, systems, and other techniques.
The group is best known for one of the
attacks called “Operation Cleaver.” This
hacker group has apparently hacked
security systems and airline gates. Most
findings were not taken into consideration
due to the “grave risk to the physical
safety of the world” the group reportedly
poses, according to the report.
10. TeaMp0isoN:
A 16-year-old hacker with a pseudonym
TriCk started this group in 2010.
TeaMp0isoN hacked into Facebook, NATO,
the English Defense League, including
Tony Blair’s email account. The group
broke up and stopped functioning in 2012.
However, in 2015, the group rebranded
itself as a white-hat computer security
research group.
There are several other hacking groups
who may be more deadlier than the above.
We have listed only those hacker groups
who have consistently been able to be in
public eye due to their hacking exploits.

Thursday 8 October 2015

31 Things You Know Only If You’ve Been Pro User

1. Shift + Delete button combination in
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through Recycle bin.
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Recuva File Recovery Software for
Also Read: Best Free Data Recovery
Software for all iOS Devices | iPhone/iPad/
iPod Recover
Deleted Photos and Videos from Android
Mobile (Full Guide)
5. Speed up your PC from CCleaner
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Also Read: Best Feature in CCleaner
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How to Speed up a Slow Computer 2015
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7. Download Facebook Backup Data from
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Settings and Download Copy of Your
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Read More: Best 40 Facebook 2015 Hacks
,Tips & Tricks that Make Your Facebook
Life Better
8. Type like a hacker from Hackertyper
Hackertyper for Make your Computer
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Read More: Remotely Control Your Window
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Also Read: How to Use Google Like a Pro
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.Also Read: Best Android Apps that
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Download Manager from these IDM
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IDM Speed
25. Get Ownership of any file in windows from
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Take ownership of files in windows
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27. Run android apps in windows from
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Bluestacks Android App in Windows
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Change Password of Windows
29. Unlock Window Computer from Your
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30. Increase the Size of Your HardDisk up to
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31. How to Change Windows 7 Boot Screen

Thursday 1 October 2015

95% people don’t know these hidden features of GOOGLE

Chat With Aliens
Every day Google answers more than one billion
questions from around the world. But here are 15
things you might not have ever known you can
do with the world’s most powerful search
For example, the Mars Feature on Google Earth
5 allows users to explore the surface of the red
planet and even talk with an alien! Just enter
“Meliza” into the search box and watch as your
taken to a section of the planet where you can
“chat” with a local alien. It’s just a chat bot, but
it’s fun to try. Give it a shot.
Do a Barrel Roll
You can make your Google page roll on end by
entering the phrase “do a barrel roll” into the
search box and hitting enter. It’s a fun reference
to the classic video game Star Fox!
Track a Flight
Just enter the desired airline and flight number
into Google’s search box and instantly see the
arrival and departure times right in the results.
Now you can keep up-to-date with any flight
without having to constantly check the airline’s
Fly Using Google Earth
Visit Google Earth, press CTRL + Alt + A
(Command + Option + A for Mac), choose your
aircraft, and fly! You can even simulate flying an
F16 Fighter Jet.
Search Faces Only
Sometimes an image search can lead to a
number of unwanted results. just click search
tools, hit “Type”, and select the “Face” option to
narrow your results to exactly what you’re
looking for. It works for .gifs too! Just choose
the “Animated” option.
Use Google as a Proxy
If your school or office stops you from visiting
certain sites, just use type
“” into the search box
and avoid the block. It’s that easy.
Search in Klingon
If you’re a big fan of Star Trek, try using
Google’s custom Klingon search. It’s a fun way
to put a new spin on Google. It will even correct
your grammar! And if you don’t speak Klingon,
don’t sweat it. Google has their own Klingon
translator and dictionary to help you out.
Track Packages
Just enter any package tracking number into
Google to see exactly where it is. Now there’s
no need to log in to the USPS, UPS, or FedEx
Reformat Your Gmail Address With Dots
You can create multiple email addresses by
simply adding a dot (.) anywhere in your Gmail
username. Because Gmail doesn’t recognize
dots as characters, messages sent
to and will
all go to the same place!
Synonym Search With a Tilde
Adding a tilde (~) to your search terms will tell
Google to include any related search terms or
synonyms you mayhave missed. This improves
your results page and can help find exactly what
you’re looking for.
Beatbox With Google Translate
It may sound odd, but typing a random string of
letters into Google Translate, then hitting the
listen icon will prompt Google to beatbox
whatever you wrote down. Try it yourself by copy
pasting “pv kkk pkkk pvpvpv ppkk pddd bschk
bschk pv zk pv bschk pv pv pv bschk bschk
bschk kkkkkkkkkk bschk bsch” into Google
Translate and giving it a listen.
Cut Down Email Length
If you only want to reply to a particular section
of text someone sent you, just highlight that
area before hitting reply. This will add only the
chosen section to the quoted text and leave the
rest out of your reply!
Search Like Elmer Fudd
That’s right, Google Preferences lets you search
in any language. Even Elmer Fudd. This is a
great trick to show the kids. Just go to
Preferences, click “Language” and choose “Elmer
Fudd” There’s even Pig Latin!
Browse The Classics
Google Book Search lets you thumb through the
pages of classic books, all from the comfrot of
your computer. It’s a great way to see if you’ll
enjoy a book before you buy, check out, or
borrow it! You can even find the latest
Play Games on Youtube
Visit YouTube, pick a random video, and simply
type 1980. This will automatically bring up a
missle defense game where you will have to
protect your video from an impending attack!
Fail, and your video will crack apart. This is the
perfect way to kill time while waiting for your
video to buffer.