Monday 30 June 2014

Top 10 Reasons to Root Your Android Phone.

Android is one of the most open, versatile, and
customizable mobile operating systems out
there. You may think you don't need to root
your phone, but you'd be surprised at how
much more you can accomplish with a little
work. Here are 10 reasons rooting your phone
is worth the hassle.
1. Unlock Hidden Features and Install
"Incompatible" Apps Sometimes, even Android
isn't open enough to give you some of the
features you want. Either an app is blocked by
carriers, hacks into Android's system files, or
otherwise isn't available. Luckily, rooting can
help with that: you can install carrier-blocked
apps, get features from the latest version of
Android, make incompatible apps compatible,
power up your hardware, get features like Beats
Audio from other phones, or emulate exclusive
features like those on the Moto X. Whatever you
want, rooting gives you the power to do a lot
2. Automate Everything You've probably heard of
Tasker, the awesome app that automates just
about anything on your phone. You don't need
to root your phone to use it, but if you're
rooted, it can do a whole lot more. Certain
tasks, like toggling 3G, GPS, changing CPU
speed, turning the screen on, and others require
root access. So, if you want to get the full
benefit of an app like Tasker, you'll definitely
want to root your phone.
3. Boost Your Phone's Speed and Battery Life
You can do a lot of things to speed up your
phone and boost its battery life without rooting,
but with root as always you have even more
power. For example, with an app like SetCPU
you can overclock your phone for better
performance, or underclock it for better battery
life. You can also use an app like Greenify to
automatically hibernate apps you aren't using
perfect for those apps that always want to run in
the background when you're not looking.
4. Block Ads in Any App Look, we of all people
understand the need for occasional ads it's how
we make money. But ads can also get in the way
and use up data. If you want to block ads in
certain apps or on certain devices, rooting is by
far the best way to do so. AdFree,AdBlock Plus,
and AdAway are all great options. Of course, if
you aren't rooted, going into airplane mode
works in a pinch too.
5. Back Up Your Phone for Seamless Transitions
When you move to a new Android device or
restore your device to stock for any reason you
can make your life a lot easier by backing up
your apps and settings first. That way, you can
get your entire setup back in just a few taps. If
you aren't rooted, you can back up a few things
like apps and data, but you won't necessarily be
able to backup system apps and their data, or
automate the entire process as well as Titanium
Backup can.
6. Remove Preinstalled Crapware Titanium
Backup is good for more than just backups, too.
It can also uninstall that annoying, battery-
draining, space-wasting crapware that comes
preinstalled on so many phones these days and,
sadly, this feature is root only. Freeze them first
to make sure your phone operates normally
without them, then delete them completely to
free up that space. You'll be glad you did.
7. Tweak the Dark Corners of Android If you're
the kind of person that likes to fiddle with every
little feature both on the surface and under the
hood rooting is for you. Whether you want to
customize your keyboard layout with something
like Keyboard Manager or give yourself faster
scrolling, improved multitasking, and extra
themes with Pimp My ROM, rooting gives you
the power to tweak just about any corner you
can think of. If you want to do it, chances are
someone over on a forum like XDA has created a
mini app or tweak that will help.
8. Flash a Custom Kernel Some of Android's
most under the hood tweaks require a custom
kernel, which you can only flash with a rooted
device. The kernel is responsible for helping
your apps communicate with the hardware of
your phone, which means a custom kernel can
give you better performance, battery life, and
even extra features like Wi-Fi tethering (on
unsupported phones), faster battery charging,
and lots more. You can flash kernels manually or
simplify the process with something like Kernel
9. Flash a Custom ROM Okay, so you probably
already know about this one but it's one of the
best benefits of rooting. A custom ROM is
basically a custom version of Android, and it
truly changes how you use your phone. Some
merely bring a stock version of Android to non
stock phones, or later versions of Android to
phones that don't have it yet.Some add a few
handy features , some add lots of really unique
features, and some change your operating
system from head to toe. No matter what phone
you have even if it's a Nexus we highly
recommend checking out the custom ROMs out
there. You won't be disappointed.
Note: As some of you have noted, you don't
actually need root access to flash a custom ROM
though you will need to unlock your bootloader
(a process that sometimes comes bundled with
root access). Still, it requires freeing your device
from manufacturer lockdowns, so we've kept it
in the list despite this technicality!
10. Truly Own Your Device In the end, all of this
boils down to one thing: you own your device,
and you should be able to do with it as you
please. Certain manufacturers and carriers try to
keep that from happening, but with root access,
you truly own your device and open yourself up
to all the possibilities other parties try to block.
Sure, there's some risk involved, and we don't
usually recommend rooting other people's
phones, but in the end, you can't put a price on
true openness and control.

Saturday 28 June 2014

How To Hack Your Friend Whats App

Hack the conversation
Step 1
Go to the MicroSD card section,
click on the WhatsApp and later on
on the Database option. Here you will
find two files namely,
msgstore-yyyy. .dd..db.crypt ypt
Step 2
Just send these files from your
friend's mobile to your with
Bluetooth or WiFi.
Step 3
Place these files on directory where
your WhatsApp has database files.
Backup your files and replace them
with new one.
Step 4
Done, now read the messages through

Why Hackers choose Linux instead of Windows and mac?

*Linux is advanced High Level OS
*Comfortable for Hackers
*24/7 always virus free
*Greatest OS for Programmers to develop Soft.
*Always free
*All OS born from Linux only
*Linux contain all types of Programming lan and
Hacking tools
*Linux is the No. 1 for Server and Client
*Windows is Base and Linux is Race
*Linux have high developed Programmed
*Linux is the open source OS
*almost pen testing tools inbuilted ....

Mobile Bluetooth Hacking:

Follow these steps to hack any Bluetooth enabled mobile phone.
Download Super Bluetooth Hack 1.8 . After you have downloaded the .jar file, install it
in your mobile.
There is no need to install the software in the mobile which you want to hack.Turn on the Bluetooth of your handset and open
the Super Bluetooth Hack Application.Select the connect option and then Inquiry
Devices to search for any of mobile that has its
Bluetooth turned on nearby.
Your friend’s Bluetooth must also be turned
to be found. Pairing between the devices is
necessary sometimes.
Once your friend’s phone has been found,
try out its functions!

Friday 27 June 2014

Cracking the BIOS password

There are a lot ways to Crack the
BIOS password. This is one of them
but I would say that this one is more
effective than the rest because the
rest of the ways does not Guarantee
you that it will Crack the BIOS
password while in this case the
Cracking is Guaranteed since in this
we will remove the functionality of
password protection of the BIOS.
Follow the steps below:
1) Boot up windows.
2) go to dos-prompt or go to
command prompt directly from the
windows start up menu.
3) type the command at the prompt:
“debug” (without quotes ninja.gif )
4) type the following lines now
exactly as given…….
o 70 10
o 71 20
4) exit from the dos prompt and
restart the machine
password protection gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Top 25 People Who Changed the Internet Forever ---

1. Sir Tim Berners-Lee – World Wide Web
2. Vint Cerf And Bob Kahn – TCP/IP
3. Larry Page and Sergey Brin – Google Inc.
4. David Filo and Jerry Yang – Yahoo! Inc.
5. Bill Gates – Microsoft
6. Steven Paul Jobs – Apple Inc.
7. Mark Zuckerberg – Facebook
8. Chad Hurley and Steve Chen – YouTube
9. Linus Torvalds – Linux
10. Jack Dorsey – Twitter
11. Kevin Rose – Digg
12. Bram Cohen – BitTorrent
13. Mike Morhaime – Blizzard Entertainment
14. Jimmy Wales – Wikipedia
15. Jeff Preston Bezos – Amazon
16. Shawn Fanning – Napster, Rupture
17. Pierre Omidyar – eBay
18. Jack Ma – Alibaba
19. Craig Newmark – Craigslist
20. Matt Mullenweg – WordPress
21. Thomas Anderson – MySpace
22. Garrett Camp – StumbleUpon
23. Jon Postel – Internet Pioneer
24. Caterina Fake – Flickr
25. Marc Andreessen – Netscape

Tuesday 24 June 2014

License keys to a few useful softwares:

Licence: 8MEH-RFR8J-PTS8Q-92ATA-
Serial Key:
Name: mahn
Serial: 1160-4808-4026-5497-2931-5822
Name: Flash Gordon
Serial: 1160-4859-8564-6751-6040-3185
Name: Green Lantern
Serial: 1160-4254-4822-7250-4150-5688
Serial Number: 322-412-2500
Activation Code: 60c2-7e0c-10ad-329d
Serial Number: 395-790-9638
Activation Code: b8b9-f84b-0e4d-dd7d
Serial Number: 109-577-0923
Activation Code: ca2c-0423-1199-78f0

Howto: Blocking Installation of Baidu

1. Create block.bat
2. Edit block.bat with
echo NoBaidu > "%ProgramFiles%\Baidu"
echo NoBaidu > "%ProgramFiles%\Baidu
echo NoBaidu > "%ProgramFiles%\Hao123"
echo NoBaidu > "%ProgramFiles(x86)%
echo NoBaidu > "%ProgramFiles(x86)%
\Baidu Security"
echo NoBaidu > "%ProgramFiles(x86)%
echo NoBaidu > "%AppData%\Baidu"
echo NoBaidu > "%AppData%\Baidu
echo NoBaidu > "%AppData%\Hao123"
echo NoBaidu > "%LocalAppData%\Baidu"
echo NoBaidu > "%LocalAppData%\Baidu
echo NoBaidu > "%LocalAppData%\Hao123"
echo NoBaidu > "%ProgramData%\Baidu"
echo NoBaidu > "%ProgramData%\Baidu
echo NoBaidu > "%ProgramData%\Hao123"
3. Save
4. Run block.bat

Five steps to a truely secure password

The Heartbleed bug, a major internet security
flaw, had businesses scrambling to change
their passwords recently. But now the dust is
starting to settle, it’s time for organisations
to create strong passwords which will have
the best chance of protecting their
In the era of Big Data, erecting a strong
security wall has become more important
than ever, and a password is a business’ first
line of defence. Here are Intermedia’s five
top tips for creating a strong password.
1. Go BEYOND the “8 character wall.”
Passwords with 8 or fewer characters are
worthless. Even though there are zillions of
password combinations, a determined hacker
with a botnet (or even a legal cloud
computing platform) at his or her disposal
can crack it in seconds. Make it 12
characters, and it suddenly takes far more
resources and time than the hacker will
deem it worth. To see for yourself, check
this out.
2. Create UNIQUE passwords. One for every
site. Hackers love going after innocuous sites
because they know that people often use the
same password across more valuable sites,
like their online banking. Plan for the
eventuality that one of your accounts will be
breached - never use the same password
3. Get VERY creative. Take a look at this list
of the 100 most common passwords found in
a batch stolen from Adobe. If your password
is on there - or more importantly, if your
password is even barely recognisable as
English – it isn’t secure enough.
4. Religiously change passwords every six
months. Assume that one of the sites you use
will be hacked - the best protection is to
habitually change your passwords.
5. Use a secure password management
service to simplify your life. These services
enable you to manage passwords from one
location. By using computer-generated
passwords, a password management service
will create one that isn’t in the top 100
million of human-made passwords. What’s
more, the service will automatically change
passwords for you and store them in an
encrypted wallet. The only snag is that
forgetting the master password can mean
you’re locked out – but that’s a small price
to pay for your security.

Microsoft Windows shortcut keys

General Windows keyboard shortcuts
Alt + Tab
Switch between open applications in all
versions of Windows. Reverse the direction
by pressing Alt + Shift + Tab at the same
Ctrl + Tab
Switches between program groups, tabs, or
document windows in applications that
support this feature. Reverse the direction by
pressing Ctrl + Shift + Tab at the same time.
Alt + double-click
Display the properties of the object you
double-click on in Windows 95 and later. For
example, doing this on a file would display
its properties.
Alt + Print Screen
Create a screen shot only for the active
program window in all versions of Windows.
For example, if you opened the calculator
and did this only the calculator window
would be created as a screen shot. If just the
Print Screen key is pressed the whole screen
will be made into a screen shot.
Ctrl + Alt + Del
Open the Windows option screen for locking
computer, switching user, Task Manager, etc.
in later versions of Windows. Pressing Ctrl
+Alt+Del multiple times will reboot the
Ctrl + Shift + Esc
Immediately bring up the Windows Task
Manager in Windows 2000 and later.
Ctrl + Esc
Open the Windows Start menu in most
versions of Windows. In Windows 8 this
opens the Start screen and in Windows 3.x
this would bring up the Task Manager.
Alt + Esc
Switch between open applications on Taskbar
in Windows 95 and later.
Alt + Space bar
Drops down the window control menu for
the currently open Windows program in
Windows 95 and later.
Alt + Enter
Opens properties window of selected icon or
program in Windows 95 and later.
Shift + Del
Will delete any file or other object without
throwing it into the Recycle Bin in Windows
95 and later.
Hold down the Shift key
When putting in an audio CD or other CD that
uses Autoplay, holding down the Shift key
will prevent that CD from playing.
Windows function key shortcuts
Below is a listing of keyboard shortcuts that
use the keyboard function keys. See our
what are F1 through F12 keys page for a full
listing of what function keys do with all
other programs.
Activates help for current open application.
If you're at the Windows Desktop, this will
activate the help for Windows.
Renames a highlighted icon, file, or folder in
all versions of Windows.
Starts find or search when at the Windows
Desktop in all versions of Windows.
In Windows 95 and later this opens the drive
selection or address bar when browsing files
in Windows Explorer.
Pressing Alt + F4 closes the current open
program window without a prompt in all
versions of Windows.
Pressing Ctrl + F4 closes the open window
within the current active window in
Microsoft Windows. This only works in
programs that support multiple windows or
tabs in the same program window.
While in Windows Explorer, this will move
the cursor to different Windows Explorer
pane or in Windows 7 browse available
Pressing F8 over and over as the computer is
booting will start the computer in Safe Mode.
Activates the File menu bar in all versions of
Simulates a right-click on selected item. This
is useful if right-click is difficult or
impossible using the mouse.
Windows keyboard key shortcuts
Below is a listing of Windows keys that can
be used on computers running a Microsoft
Windows 95 or later and using a keyboard
with a Windows key. In the below list of
shortcuts, the Windows key is represented by
"WINKEY" and because not all these
shortcuts will work in all versions of
Windows we've mentioned what versions of
Windows support each Windows key shortcut
All versions of Windows
Pressing the Windows key alone opens or
hides the Windows Start menu. In Windows
8, this opens or hides the Start screen.
Open the Microsoft Windows help and
support center.
WINKEY + Pause / Break key
Open the System Properties window.
Opens the Desktop to the top of all other
Open Microsoft Windows Explorer.
Display the Windows Search or Find feature.
WINKEY + Ctrl + F
Display the search for computers window.
Lock the computer and switch users if
needed (Windows XP and above only).
Minimizes all windows.
WINKEY + Shift + M
Undo the minimize done by WINKEY + M and
Open the run window.
Open Utility Manager or the Ease of Access
Windows XP only
Windows 7 and 8 only
Windows 8 only
Windows XP only
Cycle through open programs through the
Windows 7 and 8 only
WINKEY + 1-0
Pressing the Windows key and any of the top
row number keys from 1 to 0 opens the
program corresponding to the number of
icon on the Taskbar. For example, if the first
icon on the Taskbar was Internet Explorer
pressing WINKEY + 1 would open that
program or switch to it if already open.
WINKEY + (Plus (+) or Minus (-))
Open Windows Magnifier and zoom in with
the plus symbol (+) and zoom out with the
minus symbol (-).
Press the WINKEY + ESC to close the
Minimize all windows except the active
Change between the monitor and projection
display types or how second screen displays
computer screen.
Set the focus on the Taskbar icons
WINKEY + Left arrow
Shrinks the window to 1/2 screen on the left
side for side by side viewing.
WINKEY + Right arrow
Shrinks the window to 1/2 screen on the
right side for side by side viewing.
WINKEY + Up arrow
When in the side by side viewing mode, this
shortcut takes the screen back to full size.
WINKEY + Down arrow
Minimizes the screen. Also, when in the side
by side viewing mode, this shortcut takes the
screen back to a minimized size.
Windows 8 only
Peek at the Windows Desktop.
Snap a Windows App to the sides of the
screen. Pressing it multiple times will switch
between the right and left-hand side of the
screen or unsnap the app.
WINKEY + Enter
Open Windows Narrator
Open the Charms.
Cycle through Desktop gadgets.
Open Share in Charms.
Open the Settings in Charms.
Switch between snapped apps.
Open Devices in Charms.
Lock the screen orientation.
Open the power user menu, which gives you
access to many of the features most power
users would want to use such as Device
Manager, Control Panel, Event Viewer,
Command Prompt, and much more.


Example: @Whatspp,@avast,.......@Any
step 1: Go to device date settings
step 2: Change the device date in before
If its in 21/06/2014 then change in
Then see the software ..........Its Manually

Monday 23 June 2014

Basic Computer Maintenance Made Easy

Maintaining your computer is a very easy
thing to do and if done on a regular basis it
takes little time and keeps the computer
repair man away in most cases. Most people
overlook these simple tasks until their
computer is so slow that they have to call for
help. First I will guide you through the
necessary steps to maintain your computer
and then I will show you how to create an
automated Script file if you use Internet
Explorer 7 that will automatically do most of
the work for you.The basic tools for regular
computer maintenance are Disk Defragmenter,
Disk Cleanup, and cleaning out your Internet
temporary files. Disk Defragmenter and Disk
Cleanup can be found and run off of the Start
Menu/Accessories/System Tools folder. Disk
Defragmenter will organize the files on your
hard drive making it easier for your computer
to find the information it needs when it needs
it. It will also help keep your hard drive from
working as hard so it can have a longer life.
Disk Cleanup can cleanup all the hidden
system files and other things you gather
through time that you probably did not even
know was taking up space on your hard drive.
In Internet explorer we can go to the Tools
menu and choose Internet options. This will
give you the ability to clear your Internet
history, stored data, stored passwords and
information that is gathered every time you
go to a website. Neglecting this for long
periods of time can cause your computer to
run slower and also take up more space on
your hard drive than you think.Now that we
know what tools to use and where to find
them, I will show you how to make an
automated script file that you run and will
automate all these processes for you. What
you will do is right click on your desktop and
click on, New-Text Document and then name
the document whatever you want. Once you
have named your document you can open it
and copy the text below into it and then
instead of saving it as a .txt file we will be
saving it as a .bat file which tells it to run the
commands we tell it to.
c:windowssystem32cleanmgr.exe /dc /sageset:
cd c:windowsprefetch
del *.* /q
Once you have copied this into the file and
saved this as a .bat file we will then double
click on this bat file and it will run a setup for
Disk Cleanup asking what you would like it to
do every time you use this tool. I usually pick
them all but depending on what you do with
your computer you might want to pick and
choose items you want to cleanup. Once you
are done you will right click on the .bat file
we created and select edit. Delete the
contents of this file and replace it with the
following and save it.
InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 4351
c:windowssystem32cleanmgr.exe /dc /
sagerun: 1
cd c:windowsprefetch
del *.* /q
defrag.exe c: -f -v
Now that you have entered this and saved it
you will double click on this file. Once you
double click on this file it will first clean your
internet explorer for you (if you run Internet
Explorer 7). After this it will run a Disk
Cleanup according to how you set it up
previously. Finally it will run a Disk
Defragmenter which usually runs in the
background so you can continue working.
Once that black DOS prompt disappears on its
own then you are done and ready to keep
pounding away at that keyboard. Once this is
setup you are just a double click away from
keeping your computer maintained. On a final
note a good anti-virus is a must have on top
of your normal computer maintenance. There
are many free anti-virus tools out there like
AVG Free ( ) and Avast!
( ) so just find one you like and
make sure to update and run a virus scan
weekly. If you follow these simple steps then
this should help prevent unnecessary calls to
a repairman and will help keep your computer
running smoothly

24 Great E-Books On Ethical Hacking

1. Black Book of Viruses and Hacking : In print
for over five years, the book opens a door to
answering questions on whether or not it is
better to make technical information about
computer viruses known or not.
2. The Beginner’s Guide To Hacking Computers
Systems : This is a great book for guiding
beginners through the basic and advanced
steps of hacking. It helps develop user
knowledge on various types of hacking
including windows, Linux installation & use,
Linux hacking, virus programming, malware
programming and Trojan programming among
other things.
3. Penentration Testing With Backtrack : The
book has been written in Packt's Beginner's
Guide format and helps the reader gain
knowledge of concepts and understand the
techniques to perform wireless attacks in your
4. Hacker’s High School : This book is used by
over a quarter of a million students every year
and is a straightforward, inexpensive quick
reference, with content flexible enough to suit
the needs of writers in the humanities, social
sciences, sciences, health professions,
business, fine arts, education, and beyond.
5. Black Belt Hackers And Complete Hacking :
The book addresses the fundamental question
of what is ethical hacking in its most
elementary form and is a great reference book
for beginners.
6. Secrets Of Super And Professional Hackers :
The book covers hacking scenarios ranging
from the merely mischievous to the criminal,
the super hacker known as the Knightmare
gives step-by-step instructions in meaningful
hacking from a personal computer.
7. Dangerous Google Hacking Database and
Attacks: The book takes a look into several case
studies on dangerous attacks that have been
carried out in the past and how these could
have been prevented.
8. Internet Advanced Denial of Service (DDOS)
Attack : This book sheds light on the complex
form of computer attack that impacts the
confidentiality, integrity, and availability of
millions of computers worldwide.
9. Computer Hacking & Malware Attacks for
Dummies: This is a book on preventive
techniques and examines some great security
measures which are present across the world.
The great thing is that it has been updated to
cover the latest hacks for Windows 7 and the
newest version of Linux.
10. G-mail Advance Hacking Guides and
Tutorials : Another great book on preventive
techniques, the book is a lesson on how to
secure Gmail, the world’s most used emailing
11. Vulnerability Exploit & website Hacking for
Dummies : The book has some brilliant insights
into Metasploit, and its commercial equivalent
CORE IMPACT. It provides the ultimate ethical
hacker's pot of gold — a screenshot of a
critical server's command prompt.
12. Web App Hacking (Hackers Handbook) : This
is a highly successful book and now comes
with great insights into web applications,
which are now the front door to most
organizations, exposing them to attacks that
may disclose personal information, execute
fraudulent transactions, or compromise
ordinary users.
13. Security Crypting Networks and Hacking:
Now in its second edition, the book offers 125
concise and practical hacks, including more
information for Windows administrators, hacks
for wireless networking.
14. Botnets : The Killer Web Application
Hacking: The book is based on real world cases
of botnet attacks to underscore the need for
action and used public domain tools like
15. Hacking Attacks and Examples Test: The
book is a step by step on how-to drilldowns
for installing and configuring your Tiger Box
operating systems, installations, and
configurations for some of the most popular
auditing software suites.
16. Gray Hat Hacking and Complete Guide to
Hacking: This is an insight into thwarting
malicious network intrusion by using cutting-
edge techniques for finding and fixing security
17. Advance Hacking Exposed Tutorials: This
book works brilliantly for those looking to
finding out about how a fail-safe system was
cracked and how one can better protect
18. 501 Website Hacking Secrets: "This book
concisely identifies the types of attacks which
are faced daily by Web 2.0 sites, and the
authors give solid, practical advice on how to
identify and mitigate these threats." --Max
Kelly, CISSP, CIPP, CFCE, Senior Director of
Security, Facebook. One needn’t say more.
19. Internet Security Technology and Hacking :
The book addresses questions on whether
hacking attacks are morally justified? Hacking,
Counterhacking, and Society is a valuable
addition to the library of anyone concerned
with the growing number of Internet security
issues and intrusions facing society today.
20. CEH Certified Ethical Hacker Study Guide :
The books lets you prepare for the challenging
CEH Certified Ethical Hackers exam and
provides a full coverage of exam topics, real-
world examples, and includes a CD with
chapter review questions, two full-length
practice exams, electronic flashcards and a
glossary of key terms.
21. Advanced SQL Injection Hacking and Guide :
The book ensures that IT professionals apply
security principles in the context of their daily
job scope
22. Web Hacking & Penetration Testing: The
books serves as an introduction to the steps
required to complete a penetration test or
perform an ethical hack.
23. OWASP Hacking Tutorials and Web App
Protection: The book gives detailing on the
different tools for exploitation, about
metasploit and armitage.
24. CEH - Hacking Database Secrets and
Exploit : This book gets into the latest edition
gets into current threats and details the new
menace of APT (advanced persistent threats),
embedded hacking, database hacking, and
significant coverage of mobile devices.

Sms spoofing websites


# include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;
void readregistry();
char* spoofmac();
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
char* spoofmac()
char buffer[60];
unsigned long size = sizeof(buffer);
HKEY software;
LPCTSTR location;
char adapternum[10]="";
char numbers[11]="0123456789";
char editlocation[]="System\
char macaddress[60];
cout <<
\nPlease Enter number of Network Adapter to
Spoof or type 'E' to Exit.\nE.g. 6\n\nNumber:
cin >> adapternum;
if (adapternum[0]=='E')
if (strlen(adapternum)==2)
if (strlen(adapternum)==1)
if (strlen(adapternum)!=1 && strlen

Android Tools For Hacking!

Hacking requires significant in depth
knowledge of everything that abounds the
digital world. Tech savvy users like to
play around with their smartphones.
Android devices are everywhere these
days. No wonder, there has been a
rampant growth of various hacking tools
to exploit/secure the platform. We have
compiled a list of 10 awesome Android
hacking tools!
Hackode: The hacker's Toolbox is an
application for penetration tester, Ethical
hackers, IT administrator and Cyber
security professional to perform different
tasks like reconnaissance, scanning
performing exploits etc.
RemoteAdministration Tool for Android.
Androrat is a client/server application
developed in Java Android for the client
side and in Java/Swing for the Server.
APKinspector is a powerful GUI tool for
analysts to analyse the Android
applications. The goal of this project is to
aide analysts and reverse engineers to
visualise compiled Android packages and
their corresponding DEX code.
DroidBox is developed to offer dynamic
analysis of Android applications.
5.Burp Suite
Burp Suite is an integrated platform for
performing security testing of web
applications. Its various tools work
seamlessly together to support the entire
testing process, from initial mapping and
analysis of an application's attack
surface, through to finding and exploiting
security vulnerabilities.
zANTI is a comprehensive network
diagnostics toolkit that enables complex
audits and penetration tests at the push
of a button. It provides cloud-based
reporting that walks you through simple
guidelines to ensure network safety.
7.Droid Sheep
DroidSheep can be easily used by
anybody who has an Android device and
only the provider of the webservice can
protect the users. So Anybody can test
the security of his account by himself and
can decide whether to keep on using the
dSploitis an Android network analysis
and penetration suite which aims to offer
to IT security experts/geeks the most
complete and advanced professional
toolkit to perform network security
assesments on a mobile device.
9.AppUse – Android Pentest Platform
Unified Standalone Environment
AppSec Labs recently developed the
AppUse Virtual Machine. This system is a
unique, free, platform for mobile
application security testing in the android
environment, and it includes unique
custom-made tools created by AppSec
10.Shark for Root
Traffic sniffer, works on 3G and WiFi
(works on FroYo tethered mode too). To
open dump use WireShark or similar
software, for preview dump on phone use
Shark Reader. Based on tcpdump.

Sunday 22 June 2014

Computer short forms

1. ALU: Arithmetic logic unit
2. ACPI: Advanced Configuration and Power
3. AC: Alternating Current
4. AM: Amplitude Modulated
5. AMD: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
6. AMD: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
7. AMI: American Megatrends Inc.
8. ANSI: American National Standards
9. API: Application Program Interface
0. APIC: Advanced Programmable Interrupt
1. APM: Advanced Power Management
2. ASCII: American Standard Code for
Information Interchange
3. ASIC: Application Specific Integrated
4. ASPI: Advanced SCSI Programming
InterfaceAT: Advanced Technology
5. ATA: AT Bus Attachment
6. ATAPI: ATA Packet Interface
7. ATM: Asynchronous Transfer Mode
8. BBS: Bulletin Board System
9. BCC: Block Check Character
0. BSC: Binary Synchronous
1. BSD: Berkeley Standard Distribution
2. BTU: British Thermal Units
3. BCD: Binary Coded Decimal
4. BIOS: Basic Input / Output System
5. BNC: Bayonet Nut Connector
6. BPS: Bytes Per Second
7. bps: bits Per Second
8. CAM: Computer Aided Manufacturing
9. CAD: Computer Aided Design
0. CAS: Column Address Strobe
1. CPU : Central Processing Unit
2. CPI: Clocks Per Instruction
3. CR: Carriage Return
4. CUI : Composite User Interface
5. CRT : Cathode Ray Tube
6. CRC: Cyclical Redundancy Check
7. CD: Carrier Detect & Compact Disc
8. CD-R : Compact Disc-Recordable
9. CD-RW : Compact Disc-ReWritable
0. CD-ROM : Compact disc read-only
1. CGA: Color Graphics Adapter
2. CHS: Cylinder Head Sector
3. COMPUTER: Common Oriented Machine
Particularly Used for Trade Education
and Research
4. CMOS: Complementary Metal-Oxide
5. CPLD: Complex Programmable Logic
6. CSR: Command Status Register
7. CRC: Cyclic Redundancy Check
8. CTS: Clear To Send
9. DVI : Digital Visual Interface
0. DVD : Digital Video Disc or Digital
Versatile Disc
1. DAT: Digital Audio Tape
2. DC: Direct Current
3. DCD: Data Carrier Detect
4. DCE: Data Circuit-terminating Equipment
5. DD: Double Density
6. DEC: Digital Equipment Corporation
7. DIMM: Dual Inline Memory Module
8. DIP: Dual-In-line Package
9. DMA: Direct Memory Access
0. DMI: Desktop Management Interface
1. DOS: Disk Operating System
2. DPE: Data Parity Error
3. DRAM: Dynamic Random Access Memory
4. DS: Double Sided
5. DSP: Digital Signal Processor
6. DSR: Data Set Ready
7. DTA: Disk Transfer Area
8. DTC: Data Terminal Controller
9. DTE: Data Terminating Equipment
0. DTR: Data Terminal Ready
1. EBCDIC: Extended Binary Coded Decimal
Interchange Code
2. EC: Error Check
3. ECC: Error Check and Correction
4. ECP: Enhanced Communication Port
5. ECU: EISA Configuration Utility
6. EDO: Extended Data Out RAM
7. EEPROM: Electrically Erasable
Programmable Read Only Memory
8. EGA: Enhanced Graphics Adapter
9. EIA: Electronic Industries Association
0. EIDE: Enhanced Integrated Device
1. EISA: Enhanced Industry Standard
2. EMI: Electro-Magnetic Interference
3. EMF: Electro-Magnetic Force
4. EMM: Expanded Memory Manager
5. EMS: Expanded Memory Specification
6. EOF: End Of File
7. EOL: End Of Line
8. EPP: Enhanced Parallel Port
9. EPROM: Erasable Programmable Read
Only Memory
0. ESCD: Extended System Configuration
1. ESD: Electro-Static Discharge
2. ESDI: Enhanced Small Devices Interface
3. FTP – File Transfer Protocol
4. FAT: File Allocation Table
5. FCC: Federal Communications
6. FDD: Fixed/Floppy Disk Drive
7. FDDI: Fiber Distributed Data Interface
8. FDM: Frequency Division Multiplexing
9. FDX: Full-Duplex Transmission
0. FE: Front End
1. FEP: Front End Processor
2. FF: Form Feed
3. FIFO: First-In First-Out
4. FILO: First-In Last-Out
5. FM: Frequency Modulation
6. FPGA: Field Programmable Gate Array
7. FPM: Fast Page Mode RAM
8. FPU: Floating Point Unit
9. FRC: Functional Redundancy Checking
0. FRU: Field-Replaceable Unit
1. FSF: Free Software Foundation
2. FSK: Frequency Shifty Keying
3. GUI : Graphical user interface
4. GAS: Gallium Arsenide
5. GFLOPS: Billions of Floating Point
Operations Per Second
6. HTML : Hyper Text Markup Language
7. HD: High Density
8. HDD: Hard Disk Drive
9. HDX: Half-Duplex Transmission
0. HFS: Hierarchical File System
1. HPFS: High Performance File System
2. IBM : International Business Machines
3. I/O: Input/Output
4. IC: Integrated Circuit
5. IDE: Integrated Device Electronics
6. IEEE: Institute of Electrical and
Electronic Engineers
7. IMP: Interface Message Processor
8. IP: Internet Protocol
9. IPC: Inter Process Communication
0. IPX: Inter network Packet eXchange
1. IRQ: Interrupt ReQuest
2. ISA: Industry Standard Architecture
3. ISDN: Integrated Services Digital Network
4. ISO: International Standards Organization
5. ISR: Interrupt Service Routine
6. IVT: Interrupt Vector Table
7. JFS: Journalized File System
8. KNI: Katmai New Instructions
9. KVA: KiloVolt-Amps
0. LBA: Linear Block Array / Addressing
1. LCD : Liquid crystal display
2. LAN : Local area network
3. LOGO : Language of Graphic-Oriented
4. LED: Light Emitting Diode
5. LF: Line Feed
6. LIF : Low Insertion Force
7. LIM: Lotus/Intel/Microsoft’s Expanded
Memory Manager
8. LRU: Least-Recently Used
9. LSB: Least Significant Byte/bit
0. LSI: Large Scale Integration
1. LUN: Logical Unit Number
2. LASER : Light Amplification by
Stimulated Emission of Radiation
3. MAN : Metropolitan area network
4. MESI: Modified/Exclusive/Shared/Invalid
5. MIPS : Microprocessor without
Interlocked Pipeline Stages
6. MSo : Micro Soft Office, Multi system
7. MB/Mb: Mega Bytes/bits
8. MBR: Master Boot Record
9. MCA: Micro Channel Architecture
0. MCGA: Multi-Color Graphics Array
1. MCM: Multi-Chip Module
2. MDRAM: Multi-bank RAM
3. MFLOPS: Millions of FLOating Point
Operations per Second
4. MFM: Modified Frequency Modulated
5. MHz: MegaHertz
6. MICR: Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
7. MIDI: Musical Instrument Data Interface
8. MIMD: Multiple-Instruction Multiple-
9. MISD: Multiple-Instruction Single Data
0. MMX: Multi-Media Extensions
1. MNP: Microcom Network Protocol
2. MODEM: MOdulator / DEModulator
3. MOPS: Millions of Operations Per Second
4. MOS: Metal-Oxide Semiconductor
5. MP: Multi-Processor
6. MPP: Massively Parallel Processor
7. MPS: Multi-Processor System
8. MSB: Most Significant Byte/bit
9. MSDOS: Microsoft’s Disk Operating
0. SI: Medium Scale Integration
1. MTBF: Mean Time Between Failure
2. N/C: No-Connect
3. NBS: National Bureau of Standards
4. NEMA: National Electrical Manufacturers
5. NFS: Network File System
6. NFU: Not-Frequently Used
7. NIC: Network Interface Card
8. NMI: Non-Maskable Interrupt
9. NMOS: Negatively doped Metal-Oxide
0. NOP: No OPeration NRU Not-Recently
1. NOS: Network Operating System
2. NSF: National Science Foundation
3. NTFS: New Technology File System
4. NVRAM: NonVolatile Random Access
5. OCR: Optical Character Recognition
6. ODI: Open Data link Interface
7. OEM: Original Equipment Manufacturer
8. OS: Operating System
9. OSF: Open Software Foundation
0. OSI: Open Systems Interconnect
1. PAL: Programmable Array Logic
2. PB: Push Button
3. PBX: Private Branch eXtender
4. PC: Personal Computer, Program Counter
5. PCB: Printed Circuit Board
6. PCI: Peripheral Component Interconnect
7. PCM: Pulse Code Modulation
8. PCMCIA: Personal Computer Memory
Card International Association
9. PE: Processor Element
0. PFF: Page Fault Frequency
1. PGA: Professional Graphics Array
2. PGA: Pin Grid Array
3. PIC: Programmable Interrupt Controller
4. PIO: Programmed Input / Output
5. PIROM: Processor Information ROM
6. PLA: Programmable Logic Array
7. PLCC: Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier
8. PLD: Programmable Logic Devices
9. PLL: Phase Locked Loop
0. PM: Preventive Maintenance
1. PMOS: Positively doped Metal-Oxide
2. PnP: Plug-and-Play
3. POST: Power On Self Test
4. PPP: Point-to-Point Protocol
5. PQFP: Plastic Quad Flat Pack
6. PROM: Programmable Read Only Memory
7. PSTN: Public Switched Telephone Network
8. PSP: Program Segment Prefix
9. PTE: Page Table Entry
0. QAM: Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
1. QFP: Quad Flat Pack
2. QIC: Quarter Inch Cartridge
3. RAM – Random-access memory
4. RAID: Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive
5. RAMDAC: Random Access Memory Digital
to Analogue Converter
6. RAS: Row Address Strobe
7. RCA: Radio Corporation of America
8. RCC: Routing Control Center
9. RDRAM: Rambus DRAM
0. RFC: Request For Comments
1. RFI: Radio Frequency Interference
2. RI: Ring Indicator
3. RISC: Reduced Instruction-Set Computer
4. RLL: Run Length Limited
5. RMS: Root Mean Squared
6. RMW: Read Modify Write
7. ROM: Read Only Memory
8. RPC: Remote Procedure Call
9. RPM: Rotations Per Minute
0. RTC: Real Time Clock
1. RTS: Request To Send
2. SAM: Sequential Access Memory
3. SASI: Shugart Associates Standard
4. SCSI: Small Computer Systems Interface
5. SD: Single Density
6. SDLC: Synchronous Data Link Control
7. SDRAM: Synchronous Dynamic RAM
8. SDRAM DDR: Double Data Rate SDRAM
9. SDRAM BDDR: Bi-Directional Strobed
0. SE: Systems Engineer
1. SEC: Single Edge Contact
2. SFF: Small Form Factor
3. SGRAM: Synchronous Graphics RAM
4. SMS : Short Message Service
5. SIMD: Single-Instruction Multiple-Data
6. SIMM: Single Inline Memory Module
7. SIPP: Single Inline Pinned Package
8. SISD: Single-Instruction Single-Data
9. SLIP: Serial Line Internet Protocol
0. SMD: Surface Mount Device
1. SMT: Surface Mount Technology
2. SNA: System Network Architecture
3. SNR: Signal to Noise Ratio
4. SOL: Small Out Line
5. SOIC: Small Outline Integrated Circuit
6. SPOOL: Simultaneous Peripheral
Operation On Line
7. SPT: Sectors Per Track
8. SPU: Single Processor Unit
9. SRAM: Static Random Access Memory
0. SS: Single Sided
1. STDM: Synchronous Time Division
2. STN: Super Twisted Nematic
3. STU: Streaming Tape Unit
4. SVGA: Super Video Graphics Array
5. TCM: Trellis Code Modulation
6. TCP : Transmission Control Protocol
7. TCP/IP: Transmission Control Protocol /
Internet Protocol
8. TDM: Time Division Multiplexing
9. TI: Texas Instruments
0. TIA: Telecomm Industry Association
1. TLB: Translation-Look aside Buffer
2. TPI: Tracks Per Inch
4. TSR: Terminate and Stay Resident
5. TTL: Transistor-Transistor Logic
6. UAE: Unrecoverable Application Error
7. UART: Universal Asynchronous Receiver/
8. USART: Universal Synchronous/
Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
9. UDP: User Datagram Protocol
0. UMB: Upper Memory Block
1. USB: Universal Serial Bus
2. UNIX: A trademark used for a computer
disk operating system
3. UPS – Uninterruptible power supply
4. USL: UNIX System Labs
5. UUCP: UNIX to UNIX Copy Program
6. VIRUS : Vital Information Resources
Under Seize
7. VDU : Visual Display Unit
8. VBE: Video BIOS Extensions
9. VCR: Video Cassette Recorder
0. VESA: Video Enhanced Standards
1. VGA: Video Graphics Array
2. VLB: VESA Local Bus
3. VLIW: Very Long Instruction Word
4. VLSI: Very Large Scale Integration
5. VM: Virtual Memory
6. VME: Versa Module Euro-car
7. VRAM: Video Random Access Memory
8. VRT: Voltage Reduction Technology
9. VTR: Video Tape Recorder
0. WAN : Wide area network
1. WATS: Wide Area Telephone Service
2. WD: Western Digital
3. WORM: Write Once – Read-Many
4. WRAM: Window Random Access Memory
5. WS: Wait State
6. WWW : World Wide Web
7. XGA: eXtended Graphics Array
8. XMS: Extended Memory Specification
9. XOR: Exclusive-OR
0. XNOR: Exclusive-NOR
1. XT: eXtended Technology
2. ZIF: Zero Insertion Force

Thursday 19 June 2014

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To Become A Hacker! 1 of 4
Hacking is a fascinating field but it definitely isn't easy .Here we have most important steps essential to become a hacker, together with all the resources that you need for learning.
It is not an easy task to become a hacker. As a hacker, you need to have an attitude and curiosity. Reading the hacking manifesto can teach you the attitude of a hacker. Nurturing the hacker attitude is more about developing competence in the languages rather than having a stereotypical attitude.
Though a lot of people consider that a hacker is a criminal, in real life, they are hired by big companies for protecting information and minimizing potential damage. The act of hacking actually is that of being over-curious and outwitting authority. As a hacker, you should be hell bent on breaching authoritarian rules, secrecy and censorship. Deception is another arsenal which will allow you to dodge the vigilant eyes of authority.
1: Learn To Program In C
C programming is one of the most powerful languages in computer programming. It is necessary to really master this language. This programming language was invented by Denise Ritchie in between the years 1969 and 1973 at AT&T Bell Labs. C programming will essentially help you divide the task in smaller pieces and these pieces can be expressed by a sequence of commands. Try writing some program on your own by assessing the logic.
2: Learn More Than One Programming Language
When you are trying to become a hacker, it is very important to learn other modern computer programming languages such as JAVA, Perl, PHP and Python. One of the best ways to learn these is by reading books from experts.
3: Learn UNIX
UNIX is a multi-tasking and multi-user computer operating system that is designed to provide good security to the systems. This operating system was developed by some employees of AT&T in Bell Labs. The best way to learn it is to get into an open-source version (e.g. centos) and install/run the same on your own. You can operate internet without learning UNIX, but it is not possible for you to be an internet hacker without understanding UNIX.